Ancestral Lineage healing

It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to abandon it.
— Pirke Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).
yellow tailed black cockatoo feather on drum

connecting with your people


Ancestral Lineage Healing is a transformative, spiritually-grounded ritual methodology of coming into loving and supportive relationships with those in our family, of blood and of love, who have passed over and are no longer embodied on Earth. It is an accessible, practical method for communing with our Ancestors, and receiving their blessings, wisdom and support.

Ancestral Lineage Healing was created by Dr. Daniel Foor and exists within an animist framework that encompasses all the other-than-humans, including those humans who have passed over; the Dead who are not dead.

By adopting this framework we can relate better with our Ancestors, and also develop a relationship with the animals, plants and other deities that they lived with. We start to learn to love and accept ourselves and our people as the majestic, uniquely talented and needed humans that we are. Our lives become richer and more meaningful by stepping into the blessings that flow from having good relationships with our people.

Fundamental Assumptions:

There a few fundamental assumptions underpinning this work. The most important is that dying doesn’t automatically make you an Ancestor. An Ancestor is someone who understands that they’re dead, who is vibrant and well and in a good, healthy relationship with the others in their line. We can compare Ancestors to the not-yet-ancestors, the ghosts, those who have died and are in a troubled state. The Ancestors we want to be in contact with are those who are well, vibrant, loving and wise.

Another fundamental assumption is that the Dead can change. Much like the living, those who are no longer incarnate can also go through transformative emotional processes and become more or less well. Healing is possible for the Dead. Even if they were unpleasant people in life and did terrible things, once they are dead, they can change.

Carefully observe the way towards which your heart draws you, then choose that way with all your strength.
— Martin Buber

frequently asked questions

Who are the Ancestors?

The Ancestors are all the beings, human and other-than-human, who lived on Earth before us. They are the beings whose energies created the past which informs our present. More specifically for us, the Ancestors are the human dead who once lived embodied on Earth. Their bodies continue as soil and fungus, and their souls exist in a realm that is not only contactable by us, but interacts with our lives on Earth in a myriad of ways.

How does it work?

The Ancestral Lineage Healing process begins by doing an assessment of your four primary blood lineages, being your two sets of grandparents.

In the assessment process we determine which of your lineages is the most well and vibrant, and begin the healing process here. Our intention is build upon wellness before we move on to heal any of the other possible trouble in your lineages.

The we journey to connect with someone on that lineage who is ‘well in Spirit’. We are looking for someone who is are safe and happy, bright and wise, supportive and loving. This is your Ancestral Guide. You will then start to develop a close relationship with tis Guide and from here the healing process continues.

What happens if I don’t know anything about where my family are from, or if I’m adopted?

It is not necessary for you to know any details about your family of origin, although this can be a helpful starting point. The work happens in journey space, like a guided meditation or light trance, within a ritual container. It is of utmost importance to me that this space is safe and grounded, so we will ensure that you have the necessary skills to do this work before we begin.  

The essence of the method is that you develop a solid and supportive relationship with your Guides. It is the Guide then, who does the work of healing and unwinding any burdens in your lineages, and also the Guide who reveals to you the great gifts and blessings flowing through your lineages.

How many sessions do I sign up for?

The work happens over a number of sessions, as developing a trusting relationship with our Guides is paramount. I encourage you to consider having three sessions to begin with, understanding that the complete process on one lineage is likely to take 6-8 sessions. I sometimes refer to it as ‘psychotherapy with the Ancestors’. The purpose and intent of this work is ritual repair with your blood ancestors, so I encourage you to lean into the beauty and intimacy that the process can reveal.

What are the benefits of Ancestral Lineage Healing?

At the completion of the process, you will step into your rightful place as the face of your healed and well lineages on earth. This is a profound moment of internal transformation and deep healing, bringing you into intimate contact with the gifts, blessings, wisdom and life-force energy of your people. The world needs you to step courageously into your Medicine and Purpose. By healing your lineages, you will have the capacity and knowledge to claim your destiny.

 Are you a psychic or medium? Do you speak with the Dead?

Although I might be able to speak with the Dead, I don’t act as a psychic or medium in this work. My main goal is to help you establish a trusting relationship firstly with your Spirit Helper or Higher Power who then supports you to find an Ancestral Guide. With the help of this Spirit Helper, I support you to build a close, trusting and safe relationship with your Ancestral Guide. Ultimately it is your Spirit Helper and Ancestral Guide who do the work and determine the healing path.

What do I need to do to prepare for this work?

There are no prerequisites for this work, although having some desire to, or experience, working with Spirit Guides or Helpers and experience doing journey work, is helpful. Before we begin the direct process of healing your lineages, I check in with you whether you are connected to a Spirit Helper that you know and trust, and whether you have experience ‘journeying’. By this, I mean travelling into non-ordinary reality, or an altered state of consciousness, without the use of any mind-altering substances. If you haven’t got these skills yet, we work together to get you in touch with your intuitive skills and locate a Spirit Helper who is happy to work with you on this healing journey.

A great star will fall into my lap...
We would hold vigil tonight.
Praying in languages
That are carven like harps.
We would be reconciled tonight.
— Else Lasker-Schuler
Melissa is a wonderful and gifted practitioner of ancestral healing. Strongly connected to her people, she holds a powerful and safe space for your process. As a true medicine weaver she utilizes her knowledge of energy and intuitive healing to guide you step-by-step to connect with your loving and wise ancestors. Her approach is grounded yet spacious and allows for real magic to unfold. It is such a gift to sit with Melissa.
— Z.T, Healing Practitioner, Birth DoulaSource